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Education is one of the most important factors that determine the levels of development of countries, plays an important role in the economic development of countries, as well as potential benefits to society in general. It is crucial that young people acquire the skills they will need to contribute to the society in which they live and to enable them to be citizens.  active and productive assets of that society.


According to the 2016 PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) results, Portugal, Belgium, Sweden  and Germany are above the average obtained by the other countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in the three domains that are assessed (Reading, Mathematics and Science skills), a study that began in 2000 and is carried out every three years. It should be noted that at the front of this ranking, countries from Asia stand out, with Singapore always at the top.


However, despite these very positive results, students continue to show great difficulties in these areas of study during their school career. Through an analysis of the assessment obtained by students up to 15 years of age, it was shown that a significant part of this sample reveals difficulties in the study of mathematics and science, which conditions their choice of school path to choose in the future. It was also found, through surveys made to students from the schools that are part of this project, that approximately 30% gave up on school paths that they had aspired to from a very young age in this area, ending up opting for other paths whose programs do not require such learning. During the same assessment, it was also clear that students had difficulties in learning foreign languages, which, given the opening of the economy on a European scale, confines their future within their own country, ruling out the possibility of a good job in another country other than yours.

Finally, it is also highlighted that the difficulties encountered by students in this area cause them to be discouraged from school, and often lead to early school leaving.


Solving these problems at the high school level is a way for the future learning success of the students who attend it.




Training in STEM;

Training in ICT, the classroom of the future;

Exchange of professional experiences between math and science teachers.

Learning new methodologies and approaches to these contents in order to improve student results, bringing them closer to the results obtained by students from Asian countries.

Improve early identification of students with learning difficulties by starting to combat those difficulties earlier.

Increase high school student success by reducing retention.

Increase the interest in studying Mathematics and Science.

Increase students' self-esteem and reduce school dropout.

Improve skills in non-mother tongues in order to secure a future at European level.

Strengthen the professional profiles of participating teachers, increasing the tools so that they teach even better.


Thus, it will be sought that Science and Mathematics teachers receive training in new pedagogies and methodologies in their teaching.  This training will be provided by entities recognized for their credit.

The new knowledge will be applied in the classroom and the monitoring of the impact on students will be properly evaluated.

All training received will be replicated in the school to other teachers, and outside the school through the creation of training actions accredited and promoted by the local Teacher Training Centre.

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